Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement
In service since 2001, the six-wheel, 7-ton, all-terrain Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) truck is a popular Marine Corps workhorse. …
In service since 2001, the six-wheel, 7-ton, all-terrain Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) truck is a popular Marine Corps workhorse. …
The Lightweight 155 mm Howitzer (LW155) is a highly successful joint U.S. Army/Marine Corps acquisition program that entered full-rate production …
Vice Adm. Samuel Lee Gravely, Jr. racked up a long list of “firsts” in surface warfare before becoming the first …
When Marines went to war in the Persian Gulf in 1991, their “secret weapon,” in the words of one back-seater, …
For the Navy, the Gulf War was an introduction to the post-Cold War world. It was the first major joint …
America’s next generation of ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs) achieved an important program milestone, known as “Milestone A,” which gives the …
On Oct. 6, 1884, Secretary of the Navy William E. Chandler issued General Order No. 325 establishing “a College for …
Aircraft flying at night from the decks of four U.S. Navy carriers in the Persian Gulf attacked and helped destroy …
When the United States began its intervention in the Persian Gulf region following Iraq’s Aug. 2, 1990 invasion and seizure …
The recent LCS contract award means both the USS Freedom (LCS 1) and USS Independence (LCS 2) variants will continue …