Whether it’s a hurricane, a severe thunderstorm, or any inclement weather, your home or business windows are one of the weakest points in your structure. Protect your family and your valuables by installing certified hurricane resistant uPVC windows from Intus Windows. Not only are these windows tested and certified for use in high-velocity hurricane zones and wind-borne debris regions, but they are also extremely energy efficient.
Not only are these windows tested and certified for use in high-velocity hurricane zones and wind-borne debris regions, but they are also extremely energy efficient.
Most double pane windows have an R-Value rating of R-2 or R-3. Intus uPVC triple pane windows have an R-Value rating of R-7/R-8. This provides more than double the R-Value of a typical double pane window. The benefits don’t stop there. The triple pane glazing helps with reducing sound transmission from the exterior so the unwanted noises stay outside where they belong. The windows are also rated with an ASTM Grade 10 Forced Entry Resistance.

Intus uPVC triple pane windows have an R-Value rating of R-7/R-8, which provide over double the R-Value of a typical double pane window. Intus Windows photo
Miami-Dade, Fla., has some of the strictest building codes in the entire continental U.S. So how tough of a test did Intus Windows have to go through to get their windows certified?
These tests are designed to simulate the impact of flying debris during a high wind event.
The windows and doors were subjected to 9,000 wind cycles of high positive and negative air pressure to simulate the force of 200-mph hurricane winds. Then testing was done by firing a nine-pound 2×4 wood stud at the window at 50 feet per second or approximately 34 mph as part of the impact resistance test. These tests are designed to simulate the impact of flying debris during a high wind event. Intus triple pane windows passed all of these tests and are approved with the Florida Building Code for High-Velocity Hurricane Zones and the Miami-Dade County requirements. The High-Velocity Hurricane Zones and Wind-Borne Debris Region are designated as geographic areas incorporating all of Miami/Dade and Broward counties, Coastal Palm Beach County, and the remainder of the East Coast U.S. and Texas.

In the near future, the Intus uPVC window and door material line will be available for use in in high-velocity hurricane zones and wind-borne debris regions. Intus Windows photo
The following tests were conducted:
TAS 201-94 – Impact Test Procedures as required by Section 1625 of the Florida Building Code
TAS 202-94 – Criteria for Testing Impact and Non-Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure Test
TAS 203-94 – Criteria for Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading Test Required by FBC and TAS 201-94
ASTM E1886-05 – Standard Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors and Storm Shutters Impacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic Pressure Differentials
ASTM E19966 – Standard Specification for Performance of Exterior Windows, Glazed Curtain Walls, Doors and Storm Shutters Impacted by Wind-Borne Debris and Hurricanes
The assemblies tested included the following Intus window types: fixed, tilt & turn, awning, and double window (with integral mullion). The out swing side-hinge door and out swing French doors were also tested. All of these assemblies passed and meet the performance requirements set forth in the test protocols regarding the Wind-Borne Debris Region, Florida High-Velocity Hurricane Zones and Miami-Dade County building code requirements.

Intus Windows are designed to protect home and business windows from a hurricane, a severe thunderstorm, or any inclement weather. Intus Windows photo
Very soon the Intus uPVC window and door material line will be available for use in high-velocity hurricane zones and wind-borne debris regions. Intus is already in the process of testing triple pane wood windows, entry and folding doors. Triple glazed super energy efficient wood products have high STC values which will help to reduce sound transmission from the exterior tremendously, are extra insulated and come with many benefits.
Intus uPVC Eforte line has been tested and is now certified for Blast Proof– Class 2 – GSA Performance Condition Specifications
As today, many government buildings and commercial office buildings require that they have blast proof certified windows. Intus Windows uPVC window line now meets those criteria through the ASTM F 1642-04 and GSA-TS01-2003 testing specifications.
Intus uPVC windows are not only certified to use in high-velocity coastal or hurricane areas, but also have been tested and are certified for Blast Proof– Class 2 – GSA Performance Condition Specifications. As today, many government buildings and commercial office buildings require that they have blast proof certified windows. Intus Windows uPVC window line now meets those criteria through the ASTM F 1642-04 and GSA-TS01-2003 testing specifications.
The testing was performed by the Architectural Testing, Inc. facility in Pennsylvania. The tests that were conducted simulated the effect of a high explosive charge at a specified distance. Shock waves were then generated in the shock tube by the sudden rupturing of a thin aluminum membrane. As the shock wave expands during its travel down the tube, it impacts the window target with a specific positive pressure and impulse. Fixed and dual action windows passed the tests and received the GSA Performance Condition rating of “2” with an ASTM Hazard Rating of “Minimal Hazard”.

Intus Windows have been certified for Blast Proof– Class 2 – GSA Performance Condition Specifications. Intus Windows photo
When an explosion occurs near an occupied facility, most of the severe non-fatal injuries suffered by those inside are generally due to flying glass from shattered windows. The use of laminated glass with two panes of annealed glass sandwiched around an interlayer of polyvinyl-butyric (PVB). When subjected to a blast, the glass may crack, but the shards stick to the interlayer, which stretches out to absorb energy without allowing fragments to enter the building. The entire window and window framing are engineered so that the pane does not separate from the wall. The hazard to the building and its occupants from an exterior explosion is considerably reduced when this type of window is employed. The Intus Eforte uPVC fixed and dual action windows passed the tests and received the GSA Performance Condition rating of “2” with an ASTM Hazard Rating of “Minimal Hazard.”
uPVC super energy efficient Intus windows now are suitable for residential, commercial Passive Houses in high-velocity coastal or hurricane areas
- Intus Windows utilizes uPVC window and door frames that are reinforced with steel
- u-channels for increased strength and stability
- sound transmission values of STC42
- Unplasticized-polyvinyl chloride or U-PVC has no plasticizers added. The final product is stronger, longer lasting and much more UV resistant
- uPVC frames contain NO phthalates and they are also fire resistant
- uPVC frames do not rot and do not require painting
- Window & door frames are available in a wide variety of laminate colors
- The use of triple pane glazing makes for superior energy efficiency, interior comfort, and noise reduction
- The windows are Design Pressure (DP) rated up to DP70
- Utilization of triple EPDM gaskets provides superior air & water tightness
- Intus Windows Air Infiltration (AI) ratings are <0.03 cfm/ft²
- Multiple locking points on operable windows & doors insures air tightness and strength
- Operable windows come in tilt & turn
- Fixed and operable windows are available with tempered or laminated glazing
- SHGC ranging from 0.25 to 0.62 make them suitable for both southwest desert to northern climates
- Glazing available in Ug values ranging from 0.08 to 0.106 Btu/(h.ft2.F) with Argon or Krypton gases between the panes of glass
- Suitable for Passive House buildings
Intus Windows
1042 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20007
Ph: 1-888-380-9940
Website: www.intuswindows.com
Email: info@intuswindows.com