It was going to be the biggest, fastest and most heavily armed fighter in the air. The North American F-108 Rapier, designed in response to a U.S. Air Force preliminary study of Oct. 11, 1955, was going to be the heaviest fighter of its era, weighing even more than the Soviet Union’s huge Tupolev Tu-128 “Fiddler.” It was also going to be quite numerous: the Air Defense Command (ADC) wanted 480 of them.
The F-108 was in part a direct reaction to the appearance of the Soviet Union’s Myasishchev Mya-4 “Bison” bomber at the May 1955 Tushino air show in Moscow. The U.S. air attache telephoned Washington to report that the Soviets had enormous numbers of the new bomber. In fact, the Soviet were simply flying the same three airplanes around in circles and having them appear repeatedly over the audience.
It was not to be. Instead of becoming the most spectacular warplane of the 1950s, the F-108 Rapier became a “might have been,” an aircraft that was never built, never flown, never tested.
“Nothing was wrong with the design,” said Richard Schmidt, an engineer who worked on the project. “It was simply the wrong time.”

A mockup of a North American XF-108 Rapier. The cancellation of the F-108 program on Sept. 23, 1959, ensured that it never went past the mockup phase. U.S. Air Force photo
The F-108 was in part a direct reaction to the appearance of the Soviet Union’s Myasishchev Mya-4 “Bison” bomber at the May 1955 Tushino air show in Moscow. The U.S. air attache telephoned Washington to report that the Soviets had enormous numbers of the new bomber. In fact, the Soviet were simply flying the same three airplanes around in circles and having them appear repeatedly over the audience. To counter this threat, ADC would need an interceptor that could travel far from U.S. cities and engage attacking bombers in the distant north.
The big interceptor was designed with a pilot and radar operator seated in tandem in individual ejection capsules, and was intended to have a maximum speed of Mach 3 at altitude (1980 miles per hour at 75,550 feet).
By January 1959, North American had completed a full-scale mock-up of the F-108, which would have been capable of intercepting a bomber 1,000 miles from its target. The finished aircraft would be ready for a first flight in March 1961 and would join ADC squadrons in July 1963. The F-108 was to supplant the shorter-legged F-106 Delta Dart by operating autonomously far beyond the limits of the existing SAGE (Semi-Automatic Ground Environment) air intercept system. The F-108 would carry three big GAR-9 Falcon missiles, later called AIM-47s, on a rotary launcher in an internal weapons bay. The GAR-9 missile was to be powered by a Lockheed storable liquid-propellant rocket motor capable of driving the missile to hypersonic speeds of up to Mach 6 and out to a range of 115 miles. The Rapier (the popular name assigned officially on March 15, 1959) was to employ a large and complex air-to-air AN/ASG-18 radar system developed by Hughes.
The F-108 design featured a large “cranked” delta wing (the wing size and shape was redesigned several times) and two afterburning General Electric J93-GE-3AR turbojets engines, the same powerplants that would later appear on North American’s XB-70 Valkyrie bomber. The big interceptor was designed with a pilot and radar operator seated in tandem in individual ejection capsules, and was intended to have a maximum speed of Mach 3 at altitude (1980 miles per hour at 75,550 feet).

The F-108 Rapier was the last fighter design by the iconic North American Aerospace company, later absorbed into The Boeing Company. North American photo
But the price tag of the F-108 kept going up.
More importantly, U.S. officials soon learned that the Soviets were giving top priority to intercontinental ballistic missiles – bypassing the bomber as a strategic nuclear weapon. Very belatedly, U.S. experts learned that only 34 “Bisons” were built and that they lacked true intercontinental reach; other Soviet bombers were produced in small numbers only.
The work Hughes did on the radar was later transferred over to the Lockheed F-12 interceptor, a derivative of the SR-71 Blackbird, and when the F-12 was cancelled, the radar evolved into the AWG-9 later carried by the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. Likewise, if the F-12 had become operational, it would have used the version of the Falcon missile intended for the “might have been” F-108 Rapier, which also become the base from which the AIM-54 Phoenix was developed.
Mostly because of cost and perhaps only serendipitously because the Soviets didn’t have a large bomber force, the Pentagon abruptly canceled the F-108 Rapier project on Sept. 23, 1959.
The Rapier was the last fighter design from North American, the maker of the P-51 Mustang, F-86 Sabre and other legendary air-to-air warplanes.
The work on the Rapier was not wasted. The work Hughes did on the radar was later transferred over to the Lockheed F-12 interceptor, a derivative of the SR-71 Blackbird, and when the F-12 was cancelled, the radar evolved into the AWG-9 later carried by the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. Likewise, if the F-12 had become operational, it would have used the version of the Falcon missile intended for the “might have been” F-108 Rapier, which also become the base from which the AIM-54 Phoenix was developed. The Phoenix became the Tomcat’s principle armament, and so the U.S. Navy became the principal beneficiary of the Air Force’s investment.
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Danny Turner
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Ronnie Serrano
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Christian D. Orr
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Chuck Oldham (Editor)
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Chuck Oldham (Editor)
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-157890">
Andy Niemyer
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-158066">
Nate Wilburn
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William Williams
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Robert F. Dorr
4:12 PM March 29, 2012
The U.S.A.F. doesn’t need to stop developing new fighter jets. Do people really think our enemys will? How naive can you get?
4:34 PM March 25, 2013
One of the most advanced fighters proposed during that era!! Sadly, it was canceled before it actually went to the prototype stage, but luckily the design did live on for the A-5 Vigilante though.
4:36 PM March 25, 2013
Wow, looks like a fighter that was really ahead of its time; could’ve been to our Air Force was the MiG 25 Foxbat was to the Soviet Union’s.
4:44 PM March 25, 2013
Awsome aircraft the F108 Rapier, it makes me wonder what we would have been flying today if they had built her then.
4:58 PM March 25, 2013
Did you know that North American proposed an interceptor version of the Vigilante? The NR-349 proposal would have added a third GE J-79 engine where the payload bay existed on the Vigilante, and would have carried six Phoenix missiles. We’ll be running an article on it in the near future.
5:45 PM March 25, 2013
Great article… The Canadians were on a similar path with the Avro CF-105 Arrow. Can you imagine the air shows!
8:31 PM March 25, 2013
The Arrow was years ahead of its time, and the decision to kill the program, in my opinion, destroyed Canada’s aerospace industry. I don’t think any of the reasons given for killing the program were truly justified. Whatever the systems problems with the aircraft, the airframe was perfectly suited to Canada’s needs, and the avionics and weapons problems were the same as experienced everywhere else in that era. What an awful mistake. We published a photo gallery and a story (below the gallery) awhile back.
Arrow and TSR-2 were two examples of how stupid political decisions can cripple an entire industry and cause knock-on economic effects as well.
10:47 PM March 25, 2013
An aircraft that, while elegant and a wonderful example of the designer’s art, was too specialized to be considered for other uses. But, as you so aptly describe, its systems development led to others that fared much better.
7:26 AM March 26, 2013
A formation of 108’s would have looked exquisite escorting B-70’s. All those “what if” birds still keep my imagination running wild.
9:45 PM March 28, 2013
Nate, they make me wonder, too. I think that the RAF could have made good use of the Rapier, but ………………………………………..
Mr Dorr, are you still in the writing business ??
4:35 AM March 29, 2013
Yes, I’m still a full-time author of books, magazine articles and newspaper columns on military and aviation subjects. My latest book, “MISSION TO TOKYO” about B-29 Superfortress crews in the war against Japan is excerpted and reviewed elsewhere here on the Defense Media Network site, which is an excellent place for reading about current and past military matters. You can get “MISSION TO TOKYO” directly from me: robert.,f.dorr@cox,net. Thank you for asking.