The Surface Navy Association (SNA) will hold its annual West Coast Symposium at Naval Station San Diego on August 21. The event will be held on the waterfront at Pier 2.
Deputy Commander of U.S. Naval Forces, U.S. Central Command Rear Adm. Jim Loeblein will describe the dynamic maritime operational picture in the U.S. Fifth Fleet area of responsibility. Closer to home, Vice Adm. Kenneth Floyd will share his views on the recently completed RIMPAC exercises around Hawaii and the west coast.
Rear Adm. Jim Kilby, who recently took command of the newly established Naval Surface Warfare Development Center, will provide the Navy’s vision of tactics for the future.
The Surface Navy Association ( promotes greater coordination and communication among those in the military, business and academic communities who share a common interest in Naval Surface Warfare and to support the activities of Surface Naval Forces.
Capt. John Fuller, will provide an update on the littoral combat ship (LCS) mission modules. Fuller is the deputy director for LCS on the Navy’s Surface Warfare Directorate (OPNAV N96).

Rear Adm. James T. Loeblein, deputy commander of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, listens to a brief on the bridge during a tour aboard the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Maui (WPB 1304). Loeblein will be speaking at the SNA Symposium West Coast. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Felicito Rustique
Capt. Randy Garner, the commander for the LCS Squadron (LCSRON 1) will provide an operational status report for LCS as they join the fleet in larger numbers.
Capt. Gene Black provides the personnel perspective from his position as the head surface warfare officer detailer at the Navy Military Personnel Command in Memphis, Tenn. Navy Total Force/Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education Fleet Command Master Chief April Beldo will discuss future manning and personnel programs.
The closing keynote address will be delivered by Commander Naval Surface Forces Vice Adm. Tom Rowden.
A number of sponsors and exhibitors will display their products and services. A reception will be held at the conclusion of the symposium in the exhibitor’s tent.

Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus, far right, speaks with Capt. Randy Garner, far left, commodore of Littoral Combat Ship Squadron One, during a visit aboard the littoral combat ship USS Independence (LCS 2). Also present were Cmdr. Joseph Gagliano, second from left, commanding officer of Independence, and Rear Adm. Robert Girrier, deputy commander and chief of staff of U.S. Pacific Fleet. Garner will give an update on the LCS program at the upcoming West Coast Surface Navy Association Symposium. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Armando Gonzales
Information and registration for the 2014 SNA West Coast Symposium can be found at
The Surface Navy Association ( promotes greater coordination and communication among those in the military, business and academic communities who share a common interest in Naval Surface Warfare and to support the activities of Surface Naval Forces.
SNA is an association at the center of Surface Warfare that provides for its members support, programs and activities which enable professional growth, personal satisfaction and camaraderie.