After suffering the loss of its commanding officer and all but two of its aircraft in the attack on Camp Bastion, VMA-211 “Wake Island Avengers” is back in the fight.
Following the losses of Sept. 14, 2012, the Marine Corps has moved mountains to make the Avengers whole again at Camp Bastion. Rather than bring them home to Marine Corps Air Station (NCAS) Yuma, Ariz., the USMC leadership has “relocated” six AV-8B+ Harrier II aircraft from VMA-231 (“Ace of Spades”), one of the USMC’s other Harrier squadrons from Marine Air Group (MAG) 14 at MCAS Cherry Point, N.C.

U.S. Marines with Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 211, Marine Aircraft Group 13, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) relocate six AV-8B Harriers to continue conducting counter-insurgency operations, Camp Bastion, Helmand province, Afghanistan Sept. 26, 2012. The six AV-8B Harriers were relocated to Camp Bastion to increase the overall readiness level after the base was attacked on Sept. 14, 2012. This is the Harrier “01” drawn from VMA-231. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Keonaona C. Paulo
The two Harriers damaged in the Sept. 14/15 attack appear to be getting repaired in place at Camp Bastion as well, and will shortly be returned to service. Other reports have the other pieces of support equipment, soft “hangarettes,” refueling points, etc., being rapidly replaced, as the entire Marine Corps seems to be making the restoration of the “Avengers” its number one priority.
Perhaps the most important thing being sent forward to VMA-211 at Camp Bastion is a replacement for the squadron’s valiant commander, Lt. Col. Christopher “Otis” Raible, USMC, who was killed in the attack. Already in place as the new commander of VMA-211, according to the squadron’s web page, is Lt. Col. Troy M. Pehrson, USMC, drawn from MAG-13 at MCAS Yuma, Ariz. where he was until just days ago commander of the legendary Marine squadron VMA-214 (“The Black Sheep”). A combat veteran AV-8B Harrier driver, Pehrson was previously executive officer of VMA-542. Along with Pehrson, replacements for the other Marines killed or wounded during the attack have been deployed to Camp Bastion to once again make VMA-211 whole and ready for combat.

This aircraft appears to be one of the two VMA-211 Harriers relocated to Camp Bastion on Sept. 18, 2012. It carries the markings of the squadron’s “01” aircraft which would have been flown by Lt. Col. Christopher Raible, who was killed in action on Sept. 14. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Timothy Lenzo
In fact, the squadron never stopped flying missions, even without replacement aircraft, according to squadron personnel, and it is reportedly now flying a full schedule of support missions for ISAF forces in the area. However, the deployed Marines have clearly not forgotten their dead and wounded comrades. While most of the “relocated” Harrier aircraft are still sporting VMA-231 insignia and codes, released photos and video show the names of Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell already painted on the starboard side below the cockpit and on the main gear door of the squadron’s new “03” aircraft, and the “01” or squadron commander’s aircraft retains Raible’s name on the canopy rail.
Along with the good news about the rebuilding of VMA-211, there have been a number of additional details that have emerged about just what happened that night at Camp Bastion. For starters, it is now known just how well planned the Taliban raid was, and how well briefed and trained their sapper squads were prior to the attack. Taliban video, released after the attack, shows fighters in U.S. Army Combat Uniforms being briefed to hit specific targets in Bastion 2, the Marine Corps aviation zone at Camp Bastion.

One of six former VMA-231 AV-8B Harriers relocated to Camp Bastion to replace VMA-211 aircraft losses. Note the VMA-231 Ace of Spades marking below the cockpit. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Keonaona C. Paulo
In addition, details on the first USMC responses to the attack have been filtering out, and are showing the courage and leadership of VMA-211 commander Raible. Having finished up a long day of work, Raible was apparently getting ready to make a Skype call home to his family in Yuma, Ariz., when the sounds of the Taliban attack reached him. Grabbing the only weapon readily available to him, his Marine-issue Beretta M9 semi-automatic pistol, he jumped into a HMMWV and raced to the squadron’s flightline to organize a defense. Calling on his own squadron personnel and others from Marine Air Logistics Squadron (MALS) 13 (also from MAG-13 at MCA Yuma), Raible rallied his Marines until an explosion, possibly from an RPG, felled him.

Another of the six Harriers relocated to Camp Bastion to make up VMA-211’s losses after the base was attacked on Sept. 14, 2012. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Keonaona C. Paulo
When we first posted the story about the Camp Bastion attack last week, it was an open question as to whether the USMC leadership, along with that of the Department of Defense (DoD), would have the motivation and funding to keep VMA-211 operational while forward-deployed to Camp Bastion, rather than replacing the squadron and sending it home, and I wrote that the Corps’ “response to this disaster will be a telling report card on its leadership and organizational agility.” I am proud to say that any question concerning the resolve of both the DoD and the Corps has been more than answered. Commandant Gen. James Amos’ leadership, and the hard work of Marines and Marine Corps civilian employees, guaranteed that the squadron was supported in every aspect by every means available over the last two weeks. From a squadron nearly destroyed, there is now a fully mission-capable combat Harrier unit conducting its missions and doing its job. Semper Fi Marines!
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Daniel Gilkey
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Herman P.Moore
4:11 AM September 30, 2012
OOrah! Now its time to get some payback. Get some Avengers!
5:38 PM September 30, 2012
What a heartening update. God bless and protect our brave marines.
3:16 PM October 2, 2012
it is indeed a heartening response to the attack. But given the current ROE, our troops are sitting ducks. As the US Commander there said:
“I’m mad as hell about them, to be honest with you,” Gen. John Allen said on CBS’s ‘60 Minutes’. “We’re going to get after this. It reverberates everywhere, across the United States. You know, we’re willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign. But we’re not willing to be murdered for it.”
Like they have a choice? Under this president, the MSM is dead silent. That quote is from Russia Today’s website NOTE:. At least 60 Minutes gave him some face time…
if BHO is re-elected there will simply be more murders of our men. Have no idea what Romney’s decisions would be but I sure do think he ought not to tell ANYONE, debate or no debate. Some issues should not be up for discussion. Especially given the current state of the chaotic, destructive and ignorant “interventions” by this president and his administration, the less said the better.
IF Romney is elected, expect the drumbeat to start the morning following his inauguration. “Quagmire” (notice how that word disappeared for four years?), military=evil, etc., etc.
It’s good to know that even this evil hasn’t changed the essential esprit de corps of the air wing. They are warriors; the Taleban are opportunistic killers whose only law is death. They have nothing else: just a vacuum of deep evil.
8:48 PM October 2, 2012
R.I.P Otis. To Gobbler….. the Avengers couldn’t be in better hands. Good luck brother.
Semper Fi,
3:30 PM October 3, 2012
I hope the Taliban are taking note – this Squadron is going to kick some serious butt – There is nothing more dangerous out there in the badlands than a really pissed Marine –
Kudus to the Us Military personnel and Brass who never flinched and have done the Nation Proud
The enemy always seem to under estimate the American Peoples fighting spirit
I am sure the planners of this Raid are running for the Hills now ? But they will be hunted down same as all he other Enemy Leaders and either killed or caught.