The Special Air Service (SAS) Originals
“… I have always felt uneasy in being known as the founder of the [SAS] Regiment. …”
–Sir David Stirling, …
“… I have always felt uneasy in being known as the founder of the [SAS] Regiment. …”
–Sir David Stirling, …
The Coronavirus Pandemic sent shockwaves through the world in 2020, both in terms of its human toll and economic impact. …
While Americans today expect to see soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen with closely clipped hair, many don’t realize …
A unique interagency and international task force is protecting the United States and partner nations from the flow of illicit …
Story by Sgt. Monique ONeill, U.S. Special Operations Command Europe
Naval special operations forces from the Greek Underwater Demolition Team …
By Jim Garamone, DOD News
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has directed a “zero-based review” of all Defense …
BY DAVID SAN MIGUEL, U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville
Working hand in hand with the U.S. Army Corps …
by Capt. Travis Mueller 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade
Elements of the U.S. and Italian armed forces, currently serving in …
Coast Guard Outlook: I’d like to talk to you about the scope and magnitude of the district you command, the …
Lynas Rare Earths Ltd, the largest rare earth element mining and processing company outside of China, has been awarded a …