Mike Markowitz
Three hundred and eighty five men of Col. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain’s 20th Maine Regiment held the Union Army’s left flank…
Mike Markowitz
Even for aircraft, faster is not always better. Some aircraft have achieved fame because of their exceptional low-speed flight characteristics.…
Mike Markowitz
Superbly adapted to the desert, the single-humped Arabian camel was domesticated around 4000 B.C. for its meat, milk, and wool,…
Mike Markowitz
It is a matter of odd historical fact that the last shot of the American Civil War was a blank…
Mike Markowitz
“Warfare is…the one human activity from which women, with the most insignificant exceptions, have always and…
Mike Markowitz
Unlike some armies, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) does not need to airlift equipment all over the globe. Israel’s wars…
Mike Markowitz
The French phrase coup de main literally means “a strike of the hand.” In military jargon, it means “an offensive…
Mike Markowitz
In 1919, the Versailles Treaty declared, “the manufacture and importation of aircraft, parts of aircraft, engines for aircraft, and parts…
Mike Markowitz
In 1941, Friedrich von Doblhoff (1916-2000) a junior engineer at Wiener Neustädter Flugzeugwerke (Vienna-Neustadt Aircraft Factory, which assembled Bf 109…
Mike Markowitz
For the German Navy, facing war without its own aircraft carriers, the helicopter seemed promising as an observation platform and…