The Marine Raiders were established during World War II as amphibious light infantry meant to land and operate behind enemy lines. The 1st Marine Raider Battalion – “Edson’s Raiders”– and the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion – “Carlson’s Raiders” – are said to have been the first United States special operations forces to form and see combat in World War II. In all, four Marine Raider battalions served operationally in World War II, distinguishing themselves in the Makin Island raid, at Tulagi, on Edson’s Ridge on Guadalcanal, and in later campaigns in the Pacific. Officially disbanded, the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Raider Battalions became the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions of the 4th Marine Regiment, and the 2nd Raider Battalion became the regiment’s weapons company. The 4th Marines later became part of the 6th Marine Division. Personnel of the Raider Training Battalion transferred to the 5th Marine Division. The Marine Raiders are considered the progenitors of Marine Corps special operations forces today.
U.S. Marine Raiders in World War II | Photos
A BAR man in the bow of a rubber raiding craft provides cover as a 10-man boat crew reaches the undefended beach of Pavuvu in the Russell Islands. U.S. Marine Corps photo
A U.S. Marine Raider negotiates barbed wire on an obstacle course. U.S. Marine Corps photo
U.S. Marine Raiders exercise on the deck of USS Nautilus (SS-168) while en route to the raid on Makin Island on Aug. 11, 1942. The submarine's 6-inch/53-caliber deck gun and an ammunition hoist are in the center of the image. National Archives photo
The USS Nautilus (SS-168) enters Pearl Harbor on Aug. 26, 1942, following the 2nd Raider Battalion raid on Makin Island. On deck besides the crew are members of Companies A and B, some wearing Navy-issue clothing to replace that which was lost in the surf attempting to return to the submarine. A number of raiders are dressed in black-dyed khaki that they wore in the raid. National Archives photo
Lt. Col. E.F. Carlson, (left), and Maj. James Roosevelt, (right), pose with the captured Japanese flag that flew above the enemy garrison on Makin Atoll. Following the raid, Roosevelt presented this flag to his father, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, during a trip to Washington, DC. National Archives photo
Native guides lead 2nd Raider Battalion Marines on a combat/reconnaissance patrol behind Japanese lines in November 1942, on Guadalcanal. The patrol lasted for nearly a month, during which the Marines covered 150 miles and fought more than a dozen actions. National Archives photo
Carlson's Raiders display Japanese war trophies after their return from the Long Patrol. Carlson is kneeling at center front. National Archives photo
An American Marine stands near some of the fighting positions on Edson's Ridge after a bloody battle with the Japanese. With the exception of one infiltration, later wiped out, Marine Raiders supported with heavy artillery turned back thrust after thrust by the enemy on Sept. 12-14, 1942. National Archives photo
Marine Raiders and their dogs, which are used for scouting and running messages, starting off for the jungle front lines on Bougainville in 1943. U.S. Marine Corps photo
U.S. Marine Raiders gathered in front of a captured Japanese dugout on Bougainville, Solomon Islands, in January 1944. U.S. Marine Corps photo

li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-13800">
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Andrew van Der Plaats
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-18821">
Thomas Lucas
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-18823">
Steven Hoarn (Assistant Editor/Photo Editor)
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-18826">
Thomas Lucas
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-23482">
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-23483">
li class="comment byuser comment-author-steven-hoarn bypostauthor odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-23509">
Steven Hoarn (Associate Editor)
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-60173">
Patricia Lavarnway
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-60238">
Mike Clark
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-70442">
Baron Porteur
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-87432">
Kenneth A. Sjogren
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-87433">
Kenneth A. Sjogren
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-137856">
Steven R Wilson son of James WILSON
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-137857">
Steven R Wilson son of James WILSON
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-138305">
Kenneth A. Sjogren
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-160598">
geoff sutton
li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1" id="comment-166740">
Adrian Reiley "Grandson of James Wilson"
li class="comment even thread-even depth-1" id="comment-204891">
Neal Dabrowski
10:24 AM October 20, 2011
I think that the “featured” Marine Raiders storry is short …
12:21 PM October 20, 2011
The Raiders were certainly one of the very special forces groups, but it could also be argued that the Army’s Scouts who operated in the Pacific came into existance even earlier.
8:52 PM December 14, 2011
Do you have any info on a last name DOYING who, I think, was a Latherneck correspondent who covered EDSON’S RAID? Combat correspondent for Leatherneck who served in the Marianna Islands. His daughter Peg Doying Loop gave me this info. Also born 1912 9 lied about age) died at age 44.
10:23 AM December 15, 2011
During the course of putting together this photo gallery, I didn’t come across a Doying. A cursory Google search did show a Pfc. and later Sgt. George Doying who had written several articles relating to Edson’s Raiders as well as articles about Marines in the Pacific Theater during World War II. As you didn’t provide a first name, I am assuming George is the person you are seeking more information about. I would suggest contacting Leatherneck Magazine ( to see if they have more information about him. He sounds like a fascinating man and one who put himself in harm’s way in order to document an important story.
9:46 AM December 16, 2011
Thank you Steve Hoarn for this information I have given it to Mrs. Loop and she is very appreciative.
Semper Fi, Tom Lucas
12:39 AM March 1, 2012
12:41 AM March 1, 2012
my dad james wilson was an edsons raider
8:51 AM March 1, 2012
Thank you for your father’s service. What veterans of any war went through is unimaginable to someone who has not experienced it firsthand. My grandmother had a brother who fought in the Battle of the Bulge and she said he came home a different man and never talked about his experiences.
7:40 AM October 25, 2012
I am trying to find more information on my uncle Lt. Joseph AL Fournier. He was one of the 1st 22 marines to be sent to Rosneath Scotland for Commando training. He later served under Col James Roosevelt in the 4th Raider battlion at Griffit & Pendleton. He then took command of G Co., 2n Battalion,1st Marines, 1st Marine Div. He was KIA Sept 19,1944 in Peleliu. I have many questions related to his service in Europe and keep getting dead ends. I would love to communiicate with a historian or writer who would be interested in uncovering my uncle’s mysteries. Among his medals are the Navy Cross & rhe Bronze Star.
12:32 PM October 25, 2012
My great uncle Nelson Pettebone was a crewman on the USS Nautillus during the raid as I have the letter from his file showing it.I also have his Presidental Unit Citation from the battle of Midway.
3:49 PM November 17, 2012
My father David Porteur was in the 2nd Marine Carlson Raider Division. He was 17 and a senior in high school when he enlisted. My father never talked about the war, so we have very little information about what he did. We do know that he was on Boganville during the war, and he said it was brutal. If anyone has any more information I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.
4:20 PM December 11, 2012
My father Carl S. Sjogren a Navy aviation mechanic was with the 3rd Marine Raiders until an Naval officer discovered that he and others were aviation mechanic and pulled them out prior to an insertion. If anyone has anyone has any information about this, please contact me.
4:22 PM December 11, 2012
Thanks for honoring these brave men who willing gave all for our nation.
12:57 AM February 6, 2013
He came home and was a good provider but I think many of his emotions were stripped away
12:59 AM February 6, 2013
approval by who?
4:12 PM February 6, 2013
Adrimal Nitmitz
5:19 PM April 1, 2013
found a maintenance manual in very good shape for a GoodYear 10-man landing boat (Contract NOBS-12081) 16 pages, cloth cover in orange circa? Any use to anyone?
10:57 PM April 14, 2013
My grandfather was James Wilson and he gave me the book “Edsons Raiders” inscribed to me with his Marine number and well wishes. By the way hey “uncle Rat” Stevie Wilson that’s you right?
10:48 PM June 14, 2013
my father Albin Dabrowski was an Edson raider. Im 57 and didn’t know him very well. My DAD died when I was 7. I’m SO PROUD THAT HE WAS A SPECIAL MAN .